Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Computery things II - Google reader

Second on my list of things that make my life immeasurably easier (and hopefully help me be a better scientist) is Google reader.

For those that don't know, reader brings together all those dozens of websites, blogs and news feeds you check every day and collects them in one place. I have it as my homepage and I can easily skip through abstracts from the latest issues of Nature, Science, PNAS etc. as well as blogs. You can 'like' certain posts or star them for later (Google saves these in a special starred list) and clicking on the title of a post takes you to the corresponding website proper.

One particularly neat feature is the 'Explore' tab which displays new content from feeds related to stuff you already subscribe to. This a fantastic place to come across new feeds (I've lost count of the number of blogs and relevant journal articles I've found this way) and is a great way to kill some time and read something interesting without having to surf all over the place. Use this and people will think you're clever when in reality you're just poking around your homepage.

But what do you do with all the articles you find? The answer is MENDELEY.

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